Water Department
Village of Caledonia, NY
3095 Main Street | Caledonia, NY 14423
The DPW is responsible for operation and maintenance of the Village water system. The goal of the department is to provide a safe and reliable source of drinking water to the people of Caledonia. Operation of a water system is a 24/7 365 day a year responsibility. The employees of the DPW are NYS certified water operators. To become a water operator, employees must take and pass a NYS water operators exam. There are different grades of water operators and each grade requires an exam. Grade D are distribution operators, and grades A & B are treatment plant operators.
Serves 2500 people including
Town water districts
20 miles of water main
150 hydrants
307 mainline & hydrant valves
902 service connections
2 water storage tanks
4 meter vaults
1 water control facility
Operation & maintenance (O&M)
of distribution system
O & M of hydrants, valves, and services
O & M of storage tanks (painting, cleaning, etc.)
Daily and monthly sampling
Leak detection
Dig safe stakeouts
New water main and service installation
Respond to customer inquiries
Mow facilities