Village Court
Court Hours:
Court starts at 5:00 PM
1st and 3rd Monday of the month
Please note the Assistant District Attorney is present on both nights. The Public Defender is present on the 3rd Monday the month.
Court is not in session on Federal Holidays or fifth Monday of the month. Small Claims cases are heard on the 2nd and 4th Mondays at 5:00 PM
Vehicle and Traffic Ticket Pleas and Small Claims
Guilty Pleas – If you wish to plead guilty and no longer have your original ticket, please use the
attached form, and mail it to the Court at the above address.
Not Guilty Pleas– If you wish to plead not guilty, please fill out the not guilty plea section on
your ticket or if you no longer have your original ticket send a letter to the court stating your
wish to plea not guilty. We will then schedule you for a conference with the Assistant District
Attorney. To communicate with the Livingston County District Attorney and for information
regarding reductions and Traffic Diversion Program follow this link:
Small Claims– In Small Claims Court individuals can sue for money only up to $3,000. The claim must be filed in the jurisdiction in which the person lives, works, or has a place of business. The filing fee is $10.00. Application for filing a claim (click here-small claims pdf).
Please fill out the defendant’s name address, your name as a plaintiff, a brief description of the claim, amount of the claim, your signature, address, and phone number. After the court receives your claim form and filing fee, you will be notified of the court date.
Payment is Accepted as Follows:
Online payments are accepted at: NCourt
To utilize this website, you would need the name, DOB and ticket number and/or case number to make the payment. Please note, this online
payment system will only accept full payments on a case. If you would like to make a partial payment on your case, please contact the court clerk’s office directly.
Hon. Mark P. Riggi
Hon. Kyle D. Mackay
Court Clerk
Meg Donegan
585-538-4800 (office)
585-538-9881 (fax)
3095 Main Street
Caledonia, NY 14423
Court Clerk Office Hours:
Monday/Tuesday: 8 AM-3 PM
Wednesday: 9:30 AM-3 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM-Noon
Friday: Closed