Job Opportunities

Job Opportunities

Caledonia Recreation is accepting applications for the 7-week summer park program.

The Recreation Aids will assist and supervise activities for all planned programs, chaperone field trips and perform other related duties. Applications and qualifications for this position can be found on the Village website: or at the Village Clerk’s Office, 3095 Main Street, Caledonia, NY 14423. The application deadline is March 31, 2025.

Caledonia Recreation is accepting applications for a part-time director.

The Recreation Director will create and communicate a detailed schedule for the 7-week summer program in advance of the program. Implementation and coordination of all daily activities as well as supervise the recreational facilities, supervisors, volunteers, and program participants. The Director reports to the Recreation Commission and the Village and Town Boards of Caledonia. Applications and the qualifications for this position can be found on the Village website: or at the Village Clerk’s Office, 3095 Main Street, Caledonia, NY 14423. All applications are due by March 1, 2025.

Click here to download the application.